Monday, April 19, 2010

Elderly Gay Couple Split, Possessions Sold by California County

I doubt very many people read this blog, if any. It would be nice to have readers, but that was never my sole intention. I have, in general, nothing of myself to promote. No fictional piece of work, no autobiography, no memiors...

But today I do have something to promote. It isn't necessarily about me, but if we allow this to continue, it could be. Then, it could be about you as well.

I'm married, but gays are not the only couples who don't marry today. Yes, it's about the inability to marry for many gays, just as it is about equality for all to the many straight couples who don't marry in support of the fight for marriage equality. For others, they just don't feel the need - they have a loving, healthy relationship that they don't need someone else to define.

The writer at the Human Rights Campaign tells the story much better than I possibly could, so instead of rehashing it, I'll just include a link. It's a travesty and something should be done. I hope everyone agrees with me.

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